Donations are important to Farm Table. They are especially appreciated as we continue to manage a budget deeply curtailed by the loss of a major donar.

Thank you for the donations you’ve made in the past. They are helping us move forward! Farm Table continues to purchase foods from farms working to rebuild soil health, protect groundwater, treat livestock humanely, and sequester carbon! Your generous donation will help boost the impact of regenerative farming on our environment, livestock, and the sustainability of small family farmers growing delicious, and nutritious foods. Please consider making your donation, knowing that you’ll be supporting health: of the land, and, ultimately, people.

What will your dollars do?

  • Support small family farms. Farm Table purchases from dozens of sustainable farms within an hour of downtown Amery. We’re committed to these farm partners because they use practices that restore the environment while producing delicious, highly nutritious foods.  
  • Allow us find ways to help our farmers increase their use of regenerative practices. These healthful farming approaches include: cover cropping to reduce erosion, no-till planting to keep carbon — a greenhouse gas– in the soil and out of the atmosphere, mulching to prevent weeds without using herbicides, intensive livestock grazing to rebuild soil health and sequester carbon.
  • Make the tie between agriculture and culture. Our art gallery. It features the work of  local artists  — of all ages — who bring their interpretations of farms and farming to the public. The exhibits rotate every two to three months, and often include photos, canvases, as well as 3D displays.
  • Expanding Rooted Here, our unique retail space featuring food and health products unique to our area farms. These include farmstead cheeses, small batch charcuterie, dairy and eggs, certified organic herbal supplements, restaurant-made pastries/sweet and savory pies, and more. And virtually all of it produced within 50 miles of Farm Table.
  • Work with local instructors for future learning experiences in Farm Table’s bright and inviting teaching space.

Your donations make these, and other activities possible.  By donating now, you’re helping build a healthier food system. Thank you for promoting vibrant local food culture.